Nancy wants community. Mark wants to live on
his own. How can
we help them?


Adults with disabilities want the same things in life as everyone but need varying amount of help to get them. They are entitled to all of the freedoms that people without disabilities enjoy but sometimes need some help to be sure they are protected/safe.


The Center for Independent Futures’ mission is to help adults with disabilities live independent lives. To accomplish this, they have recruited a legion of coaches and mentors to teach independent living skills. Serving a diverse population with a volunteer staff is very challenging.


Based around CIF’s Full Life Future Planning curriculum, we created a web community with safe social networking. It can be used by their tutors and the individuals they coach, allowing them to develop and track goals, in the eight key life skill areas, offering different, tailored benefits for each.


Using the structured full life curriculum, this web application benefits the organization by allowing them to track goal popularity and frequency of tackling these goals. It also is an invaluable tool for training new volunteers and inputting them into full life planning. The application benefits the individuals by keeping them connected with their tutors while providing a safe social community, where they can connect with other individuals, working toward similar goals.

Public Website 


Custom application development, custom staff intranet, enterprise web hosting, and brand development by our marketing group, Wilburn Thomas.